There are so many benefits of joining a playgroup near you, including meeting and connecting with other mums of babies the same age as yours, having someone to share experiences and ask questions, socialisation for your baby and support for yourself.
Postpartum can be an isolating time and being surrounded by a group of people who are going through the same life stage makes the journey less overwhelming and less lonely.
Here are some of the benefits of joining a Play Group, Play Date or Mother's Group:
1. Build your own village of support during early motherhood
We've all heard of the phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ but unfortunately in contemporary western society that ‘village’ can be hard to find. Joining a local Playgroup can help you find others navigating the same life stage, so you have a safe space to share your wins and learn from the challenges of early motherhood.
2. Build lasting friendships
It's common for your friendships to shift and change after having a baby. You might be on a different timetable to some of your oldest friends if they don't have children at the same time as you. You may also find it harder to keep in regular contact with work friends while you are on maternity leave. Making mum friends and having someone else to ride the highs and lows with for early motherhood can make the journey more enjoyable and far less isolating.
3. A reason to get out of the house
The day-to-day routine of life with a young baby can become repetitive. Having a weekly commitment to break up the routine can be a welcome change to the same walks, cafes and parks each day.
4. Social connection for your baby
As your baby grows, becomes more mobile and starts to explore the world around them, they will also start to take interest in other babies. Joining a playgroup can help them navigate social cues and teach them social constructs from a young age.
However you go about it, feeling a part of something once you’ve had a baby can have a significant impact on your mental health. No one should have to parent alone.