From Day One opens in Melbourne

From Day One opens in Melbourne

Two years ago two sleep deprived mums dreamt of a place while in the depths of their third postpartum.

A place they could go to take a break from the day-to-day routine with a new baby.

A place where they felt seen.

A place where they could share experiences with others going through a similar season of life.

A place they could seek solace from the isolation of early motherhood, when they needed it most.

A place where they could learn from experts and from each other, so they could trust their intuition in knowing what was best for their baby.

A place that held them so that they could then go and hold others. A place they could leave feeling lighter.

They kept hearing about the loneliness and isolation of early motherhood, and how others were also tired of waiting for the village. So they decided to build it, so that other mothers would have a place they could always go to find theirs.

Over the past four weeks since the doors opened mums have come together to seek support and connection. There has been strength and vulnerability, laughter and joy, and bonds being built with others in the same life phase.

From Day One is a space for mums from pregnancy to postpartum. A membership club and social club for playdates, mummy meet-ups, masterclasses, baby music classes and Mother's Groups in Melbourne. From Day One in Prahran is created with the needs of mums in mind, with feeding and changing facilities and all classes and groups designed to build community during postpartum and support early parenthood.  

The village is growing. Come and find yours.

Photo by Wayne Taylor / The Age

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Meet the Founders

Meet the Founders

They faced the inevitable challenges that come with postpartum but couldn't stop thinking: Why is there nowhere for mums to go? Medical clinics offer solutions to specific concerns but...

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